
Showing posts from August, 2022

Principles of Design: Pattern and Symmetry

Pattern      The "principle of pattern" is the repetition of any element of art. The recurring design of lines, shapes, and forms creates a pattern as seen in the images above. The clouds shown in the top left demonstrate a non-uniform pattern that naturally occurs in life. The mosaic in the top right creates a vibrant design using multicolored geometric shapes. Finally, the image of the table(bottom) represents a pattern using a uniform repeating rhombus shape. The camera angle in this image makes the pattern appear to be expanding endlessly. Symmetry      The "principle of symmetrical balance" can be explained as a mirror-image composition. As seen in the top image, the four benches come together in the shape of a square to create a symmetrical point of view from one of the vertices. Both of the bottom images resemble a tunnel. The one on the left(the overhead) creates a feeling of emptiness due to the long straightaway lacking people. The one on the right feature

Photo Challenge: Happy!

    The image above demonstrates happiness through the most common interpretation our mind develops when processing the word "happiness": a smiley face. For me, this image shows happiness through the bright environment and green grass. Most of my favorite memories from when I was younger involve playing outside in the warm, vibrant days of summer. Nothing filled me with more joy than playing on green grass with my friends all while enjoying the weather and an occasional cool breeze.

Intro to PS


Element of Lines

The Element of Lines      T hese five images are used to demonstrate the element of lines, which can be described as a point moving in space. The image of the building on the top left shows the element of lines through the block-like outlines along the walls. The bright image of the road on the top right uses lines in the lane dividers and is also present in the direction of the road. The image in the center has lines that signify the border between a planar area and a ramp. The bottom two photos use lines in geometric sequences to produce a visually appealing perspective. The image on the left gives a "tunnel vision" feel while the image on the right shows the simplicity of shapes being broken up by lines.

The 7 Elements of Art

"The Seven Elements of Art" consist of lines, colors, value, shapes, form, texture, and space. These fundamental components can work together or be isolated to create works of art.  Line: A point moving in space. Color: In photography, color is derived from reflections of light. The primary colors of photography, or light in general, are red, green, and blue. Value: Value refers to the lightness and darkness of a hue. It can be classified as low-key or high-key. Low-key is darker and implies a feeling of sadness and/or suspense, while high-key is lighter and conveys more positive feelings. Shape: An area enclosed by an outline and is 2-dimensional. Form: Has volume and is 3-dimensional. Texture: The real or implied feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance. Space: The 2-dimensional arrangement of objects in a photograph. Space also refers to the 3-dimensional illusion of depth. It can be classified into two separate categories: positive space(generally the s